Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Canute didn't find a new home during the Christmas in July show, but he's now happily living in New Hampshire with bear artist, Daphne Blau of Back Road Bears.

Imagine, who now resides with me, is one of Daphne's smaller bears. I was so excited to have one of her bears that I shared him with you back in May.

In addition to being a well known bear artist, Daphne produces two bear shows annually, one in New Hampshire and one in Maine. I'm hoping I will be able to display my bears at her Maine show in July 2009.

It will be my first in-person show and I'm very excited about the opportunity to meet other artists and collectors and see their reactions to my bears. The night before her show she hosts an ice cream social on the beach; I've seen the photos and I've fallen in love with the place. I'll keep you updated as I know more about the show.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Oh Marlys - how excited for you with your very first 'in person' show. I´m sure it´s going to be great. Daphne does such a great job with her shows. And you have plenty of time to finish bears for show. It´s so much fun doing shows. I´m sure you´ll love it.
many bear hugs, Tina