Monday, November 17, 2008

Great Ho Ho Oh Bearz Show

The show was very successful with many bears being sold and several artists' booths sold out completely. Nancy did an extraordinary amount of work on this show in addition to all of her other obligations...she's a full-time wife and mother, a full time CSI in Canada, a web designer, owner of several sites for bear artists...and in her spare time, she makes award-winning teddy bears.

Kim Russell, well known Australian artist, won best of show for her Miss Lillie. Isn't she adorable? Kim is amazingly talented and Miss Lillie was snapped up shortly after the show opened.

I sold one bear, Annie, and I'll be shipping her off to her new home is Australia soon.

I hope you all had a chance to stop by the showroom to see the variety of styles and sizes of beautiful bears.

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