When we visited our breeder and couple of weeks ago we had the most wonderful surprise. Lisa's son, Robert, grooms Maisie and Rocco for us and he greeted us at the door with, "I have something to show you." Boy, did he ever. After taking our pups out to the grooming area, he brought out this little, fluffy white fur ball. They'd just gotten her the day before and I think I was as excited as Robert was.
Robert will raise her for showing and he will finish her championship before breeding her so I told Allyn he had a couple of years to get used to the idea of another puppy in the house. Since we saw her just the day after she arrived at Lisa's home, I have my name first on the list for a puppy. They will evaluate any pups who might meet show standards, but I think I made it clear to Lisa and Robert that I want one.
The little fur ball turned out to be a three-month old Sealyham named Pollyanna. She was so cute and so sweet and I was able to hold her for sometime. She was so calm and just let me love on her. I've always loved Sealyhams but they aren't very common in the US and with the trouble we've had finding Scotties over the years, I never thought I'd even see a Sealy in person. Of course, Allyn was shaking his head but I know he thought she was cute, too.
Robert will raise her for showing and he will finish her championship before breeding her so I told Allyn he had a couple of years to get used to the idea of another puppy in the house. Since we saw her just the day after she arrived at Lisa's home, I have my name first on the list for a puppy. They will evaluate any pups who might meet show standards, but I think I made it clear to Lisa and Robert that I want one.
The photos Lisa sent me, taken February 16th, are after we saw her and after Robert had a chance to groom her. Look at that little attitude. She knows she's going to be a show pup. Isn't she just adorable?
Oh what a beautiful pup :-) I want to make a needle felt of him. I always feel that way when I see a beautiful dog.
She is just gorgeous!
i know that babies daddy! :) LOL, she is a cutie, they are so lucky to have her!
your pups may even be related to mine, my mom and I work with Lisa with her scots and she has several of our grandchildren...I have the wheaten grandfather to most of them! :)
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