Today is graduation day for my daughter, Ashley. She'll be receiving a MA in Education from the University of San Francisco this evening. I am so proud of her. Allyn is there with her as is Joseph who flew in from Chicago last night.
And this is a picture of my beautiful children.
Unfortunately, for me, I'm home pup sitting. Yes, we'd planned to board them for a few days and have a small family reunion; however, 2 of the 3 had surgeries last week which could not be put off. Emma had a large tumor removed from her front right paw which went from the top of her paw to through to the bottom. Harley had 2 (more) growths removed, one from his hip and another from under his neck.
With both pups in stitches, we thought it best not to expose them to possible infection at our boarding facility, The Grand Paw. So the puppies and I are with Joseph, Allyn and Ashley in spirit as she walks forward to receive her MA. Graduation is to be in beautiful St. Ignacious Cathedral on the USF campus where Allyn received his BA so it's very fitting that he be there to watch his baby girl.
Congratulations, Sissy, I love you very much.