Wednesday, January 21, 2009

100 Best Bear Artist Blogs

Have you noticed this new graphic on the right side of my blog?

Paula Carter of All Bear has just opened a new site that will list the top 100 bear artist blogs. The rankings are set by the number of people who visit each blog. There are currently about 50 member blogs. Please visit the site and visit the various blogs. You'll likely find some that are new to you.

Of course, I wouldn't mind if you visited my blog frequently and move me up in the ranking.


Sharie Reetz said...

I think your blog is lovely and would like to share my blog award with you!Please visit my blog for more details~~~~Thanks!....Sharie

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Marlys,

I just want to say I adore your new addition to your Family.
Maisie and Rocco are the most gorgeous little pupppies and you must be so happy with them.

I also want to tag you and ask you to post 6 random things about yourself.
The rules are on my blog if you choose to play.

Enjoy your weekend


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