I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.
I wish you the very best for the New Year.

It will be my first in-person show and I'm very excited about the opportunity to meet other artists and collectors and see their reactions to my bears. The night before her show she hosts an ice cream social on the beach; I've seen the photos and I've fallen in love with the place. I'll keep you updated as I know more about the show.
He tells me that he's doing this to keep his mind active since he's living at home right now. That means his dad and I are not intellectually stimulating enough."...put my own spin on current events and political developments. currently my interests include but are not limited to public policy, social stratification, and culture.
so this page will serve as a one-stop joe headquarters for all things waggle. it will be my combination news update/ book review/ social commentary/ random musing/ art appreciation/academic debate/et cetera page. "
The Earl S. and Esther Johnson Prize is awarded annually to that student in the Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences whose paper best combines high scholarly achievement with concern for humanistic aspirations and the practical applications of the Social Sciences.
The $1,000 Prize was established in the memory of the founder and long-time director of the Program. It is awarded in the spring of each year to the writer of an M.A. paper submitted the preceding academic year. Papers that meet the prize criteria and earn a grade of A are automatically considered.
This little lady is Rose Marie and she has a hand embroidered foot pad in the shape of a heart.
Both bears are about 15 inches tall and about 10.5 inches sitting. If you love teddy bears, take a look at Bid4Bears.
Imagine my surprise and delight when I found several liquor labels belonging to my grand-uncle. As I understand it, Uncle Ike was some 25 years older than my grandfather, Andrew Jackson (Jack) Ash. Ike and Jack married Harlow sisters, Martha and Flody.